An overview of my watercolor process

Step one: I create a simple digital sketch. Once approved by the client, I find references if needed. I shoot my own reference pics whenever possible. I may model a basic version of the background in 3D if I need to figure out complex building perspective.

Step two: I draw the line art digitally and print it on tracing paper.

Step three: I trace the art on watercolor paper or on a blank trading card previously treated with watercolor ground, using a Col-Erase pencil.

Step four: for most pieces including sketch cards, I do some color tests on scrap paper before I start the final painting. These can be simple or elaborate.

Step five: I paint the illustration in watercolor and finish it with color pencils. The highlights are done in gouache or white ink. I sometimes use additional media such as Pan Pastels. I apply a coat of matte watercolor varnish to protect the piece. If the art is to be printed, I scan it in high resolution and clean it in Photoshop.